Travelling to Lhoknga Beach,Aceh,Indonesia

Administratively, Lampuuk beach is in Lhoknga, so it actually is a little ambiguousdistinguishing between Lampuuk Beach and the beach of Lhoknga. However,generally the people there gave the term ' Lhoknga Beach ' to the area behind the Golf
course to Lhoknga waterfront park after Andalas cement factory Complex.

As for the mention of Lampuuk Beach devoted to the section stretching from one up to Four Babah Babah. Although this beach is adjacent to second position, but both have their respective advantages.

If now the Lampuuk Beach synonymous with recreational Banana Boat and fishculinary fuel, then known as Lhoknga Beach Golf course, Surfing and fishing.Specifically for surfing, surf Coast and great Lhoknga garang has been famous amongthe international surfing community.

Generally, the surfers know there are two different types of waves in certain months inLampuuk. June to November season when the West wind is famous for its surfbeaches (beach break), while in the month of December to may when East windblowing is famous for its waves (reef break).

Any surfers know there are five points of waves that can be piloted surfers inLampuuk. The first is ' Left Hander Point ', namely the waves left which is 300 metres from the beach which is very suitable for those new to surfing.

Both are ' Evergreen ', i.e. the Right Point of the right waves is about 300 meters from the beach. The second point is becoming a favorite point for surfers Sakura Japanorigin.

Furthermore, the ' Peak ' i.e. Point surf right and left which is 300 metres from the beach. Strong Arusnya surfers should make more careful here.

A local surfer who was killed when the 2004 Tsunami called Suri enshrined into the name of the fourth point, the ' Point ' of the Queen which is 200 metres from the beach. During his lifetime, Suri is a specialist at this point. Lastly, the ' Out Side RightHander ' i.e. right-handers is 500 metres from the beach which has strong currentsand dangerous.

The beach at a distance of approximately 22 kilometers from Banda Aceh is also a great spot to enjoy the sunset. The atmosphere of the afternoon at Lhoknga feels more silent and peaceful.

For those of you who have recently become newlyweds and wanted to find a place for honeymooners, Lhoknga Beach can be an alternative to find a place. Be on the beachwhile accompanied by a sea breeze in the afternoon and the sky began to dim lightmakes the romantic atmosphere

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